Noonesurvived Wiki
Noonesurvived Wiki

Note: This page contains a brief overview of how to build a base and some of the key concepts. It will be expanded with more information over time.

Base Building Overview[]

Building in this game is a little more complicated than some other games so a brief overview is below.

TLDR: to build walls and a roof you need to add vertical and horizontal columns to support them.

Building a Base[]

To build a base you first need a "Construction Hammer" which can be crafted at the "Processing Table". Once you have it then drag it to your loadout so you can use it.

Once you have the "Construction Hammer" in your loadout select it to equip it in your characters hand. In the bottom right corner of your screen an overview of the available building related functions is displayed.

Press the middle mouse button to bring up the build selection interface. You will see 5 tabs as follows:

  • Structure
  • Roof
  • Synthesis
  • Furniture
  • Outdoor

By default the build interface will be showing the "Outdoor" tab as shown in the image.

An image showing the build selection interface showing the "Outdoor" tab.

The build selection interface showing the "Outdoor" tab.

Click on the "Structure" text to display all of the structure items and the following sub tabs:

  • Floor
  • Wall
  • Beam and Column
  • Stairs

Building a Wood Foundation[]

Start by choosing the "Wood Foundation" in the top left corner. A blueprint will be displayed which you can place. If it is green it means the placement is good. If it is red it means you cannot place it in the current location. You can adjust the placement as follows:

  • Mouse Scroll Wheel = Rotate the item.
  • Z + Mouse Scroll Wheel = Snap rotation (rotates the item in 90 degree increments).
  • SHIFT + Mouse Scroll Wheel = Move the item up and down vertically (useful to make your foundation higher for more clearance).

Place the "Wood Foundation" by left clicking. Now the blueprint will be blue to indicate that it is ready to be build. If you wish to cancel the build look at the item and hold down the left mouse button for a few seconds.

Now that you have a "Wood Foundation" placed you can start to build it. Chop down some trees and gather 8 x "Log". With one or more "Log" in your inventory look at the blue "Wood Foundation" and press the E key to add them one by one or the F key to add them all at once.

Building a Wall[]

After you have completed your "Wood Foundation" it is time to add a wall to it. In this game you cannot simply add a wall as you must first support it with a beam or column.

Whilst holding your "Construction Hammer" press the middle mouse button again to display the build selection interface. Go to the "Structure" tab then choose the "Beam and Column" sub tab. Click on the first item in the list called "Wood Uprights" (column). Look at the outer corner of your "Wood Foundation" and the "Wood Upright" (column) will snap to the edge. Press the left mouse button to place it.

Each side of a wall needs a column so place another "Wood Upright" (column) on the other side.

Now build your columns by gathering and placing 2 x "Log" into each of them.

Finally it is time to place a wall. Whilst holding your "Construction Hammer" press the middle mouse button again to display the build selection interface. Go to the "Structure" tab then choose the "Wall" sub tab. Click on the first item in the list called "Timber Wall". Look at the outer edge of your "Wood Foundation" between the two "Wood Upright" (columns) and the wall will snap in place. Press the left mouse button to place it.

Continue building your base using the method above.

Building a Roof[]

To place a roof segment you first need a horizontal beam that goes between your two columns and on top of the wall. Once you have placed and built it you can then snap a roof section on to the beam which is on top of the wall.

Base Building Images[]

Below are some images of an advanced base being built and completed.

An image showing an advanced base building under construction.

An advanced base building under construction.

An image showing an advanced base building completed.

An advanced base building completed.
