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Note: This page contains a brief overview of the Fuel Generator item and Technology. It will be expanded with more information over time.


An image showing a "Fuel Generator" (Electricity Generator - Fuel Powered).

A "Fuel Generator" (Electricity Generator - Fuel Powered).

The "Fuel Generator" (Electricity Generator - Fuel Powered) is both an item that can be looted and an item in the "Technology" tree.

Once built the "Fuel Generator" is used to generate electricity from burning fuel. It generates 1000 watts.

TLDR: You unlock the "Fuel Generator" in the "Technology" tree then you can build it with the "Construction Hammer" to generate electricity from "Fuel".

Looting a Fuel Generator (Item)[]

You can loot the "Fuel Generator" (Electricity Generator - Fuel Powered) by searching loot containers in the world. Keep in mind that the loot is random.

One known location the "Fuel Generator" item was previously found was in a barn loot container (remember that loot is random but this shows that it can be in a container in a barn). See the following image for detailed information:

An image showing a possible "Fuel Generator" loot location.

A possible "Fuel Generator" loot location.

Fuel Generator (Technology Tree)[]

Before building a "Fuel Generator" you first need to unlock it in the "Technology" tree. To unlock it you need the following items:

  • "Electrification Grade 2" = See the "Skills" page for more information.
  • "Engineering Grade 2" = See the "Skills" page for more information.
  • 1 x "Motor" = Loot.

Please note that the "Fuel Generator" in the "Technology" tree has several prerequisite items as follows:

  • "Processing Table".
  • "Simple Parts".
  • "Toolbox".
  • "Electric Wire".
  • "Battery" (table).

Building a Fuel Generator[]

Once it has been unlocked in the "Technology" tree, use the "Construction Hammer" and go to the "Synthesis" tab. Choose the "Fuel Generator" and place the blueprint.

Add the following items to the blueprint to complete it:

  • 5 x "Board" = Craft at the "Processing Table" or "Machining Table" from "Log".
  • 10 x "Simple Parts" = Loot or craft at the "Processing Table".
  • 9 x "Electronic Component" = Loot or craft in later game stages.
  • 10 x "Electric Wire" = Loot or craft at the "Processing Table" or "Machining Table".
  • 1 x "Fuel Generator" (Item) = Loot. See the "Looting a Fuel Generator (Item)" section above.
  • 10 x "Iron Ingot" = Craft at the "Melting Furnace" or "Electric Furnace".
  • 1 x "Toolbox" = Loot or craft at the "Processing Table" or "Machining Table".

After the "Fuel Generator" has been built you need to set the "Battery" table that it will send its power to. Interact with the "Fuel Generator" to open the interface then go to the "Electricity" tab. Click the "Connect" button next to the name of the "Battery" table you wish to send the electricity to.

Next you need to add some fuel to the "Fuel Generator" (Electricity Generator - Fuel Powered) so it can burn it to generate electricity when it is powered on. You can use the following fuel items:

Icon Name Capacity Description
"Small Bottle of Fuel" 1 L A small container of fuel which can be found when looting. It can also be used for vehicles in the game.
"Large Bottle of Fuel" 3 L A large container of fuel which can be found when looting. It can also be used for vehicles in the game.
"Barreled Fuel" 10 L A large barrel of fuel which can be found when looting. It can also be used for vehicles in the game.

To add fuel to the "Fuel Generator" (Electricity Generator - Fuel Powered) interact with it to open the interface. On the "Main interface" tab drag a fuel item into the slot at the bottom with a fire icon:

An image showing the "Fuel Generator" "Main interface" tab.

The "Fuel Generator" "Main interface" tab.

Finally, switch on the "Fuel Generator" (Electricity Generator - Fuel Powered) by clicking the "Start Generating Electricity" button on the "Main Interface" tab. It will burn fuel to generate 1000 watts of electricity and send it to the specified output you previously connected.
