Noonesurvived Wiki
Noonesurvived Wiki

Note: This page contains a brief overview of how the skills work in the game. It will be expanded with more information over time.

Skills Overview[]

An image showing the "Skill" tab.

The "Skill" tab.

The game contains a number of skills which either improve your stats related to the skill or allow you to unlock then craft various items. You can hover over some of them in the "Skill" window to view a brief description. The "Skill" page also shows your total number of zombie kills.

List of Skills and How To Increase[]

The following is a list of skills in the game visible on the "Skill" tab. It also explains how to increase them:

"Body" section:[]

  • "Constitution" = Affects how much your maximum "Health" and "Stamina" is. Increase it by:
    • Playing the game and keeping your stats up.

"Arms" section:[]

  • "Blunt Weapon" = Affects how much damage you do with blunt weapons such as the "Sledgehammer" or Hammer" (not the "Construction Hammer"). Increase it by:
    • Using weapons from this group.
  • "Firearms" = Affects how much damage you do with guns such as the "Sand Eagle" or "SMS". Increase it by:
    • Using weapons from this group.
  • "Sharps" = Affects how much damage you do with knives and other sharp weapons. Increase it by:
    • Using weapons from this group.
  • "Weapon Manufacturing" = Affects which weapons you can craft. Increase it by:
    • Making weapons.
    • Reading the five volumes of the "Master of Weapons" books (you must read them in order).

"Skill" section:[]

  • "Tailor" = Affects which clothing items you can craft. Increase it by:
    • Making clothing.
    • Reading the five volumes of "The Tailor" books.
    • Visiting the Vendor/Merchant/Trader and giving them an item so they will give you skill knowledge.
  • "Engineering" = Affects which building items you can craft. Increase it by:
    • Building items.
    • Reading the five volumes of the "Engineering" books.
    • Visiting the Vendor/Merchant/Trader and giving them an item so they will give you skill knowledge.
  • "Electrification" = Affects which electrical items you can craft. Increase it by:
    • Building electrical items.
    • Reading the five volumes of the "Electrochemistry" books.
    • Visiting the Vendor/Merchant/Trader and giving them an item so they will give you skill knowledge.
  • "Mechanical" = Affects which mechanical items you can craft. Increase it by:
    • Making mechanical items.
    • Reading the five volumes of the "Machinery" books.
    • Visiting the Vendor/Merchant/Trader and giving them an item so they will give you skill knowledge.
  • "Agriculture" = Affects which agriculture items you can craft. Increase it by:
    • Growing plants.
    • Reading the five volumes of the "Breeding and Farming" books.
    • Visiting the Vendor/Merchant/Trader and giving them an item so they will give you skill knowledge.
  • "Cooking" = Affects which cooking items you can craft. Increase it by:
    • Cooking items.
    • Reading the five volumes of the "Cooking" books.
    • Visiting the Vendor/Merchant/Trader and giving them an item so they will give you skill knowledge.
  • "Metallurgy" = Affects which metal items you can craft. Increase it by:
    • Crafting metal and other items (e.g. easiest way is to burn logs and make "Charcoal" which is useful for other stuff).
    • Reading the five volumes of the "Metallurgy" books.
    • Visiting the Vendor/Merchant/Trader and giving them an item so they will give you skill knowledge.
  • "Medicine" = Affects which medicine items you can craft. Increase it by:
    • Crafting medicine items.
    • Reading the five volumes of the "Medicine" books.
    • Visiting the Vendor/Merchant/Trader and giving them an item so they will give you skill knowledge.

Reading Books to Increase Skill[]

Keep in mind that when reading books you need to read the volume of the book that matches your current level for the related skill. For example, if you are level 3 in "Cooking" to advance to level 4 you must read the "Cooking (Three Volumes)" book. What the game really means by the book name is that it is "Cooking Volume 3" (it's a language translation error - the developer is aware and will be updating the book names soon).

You can read the same book multiple times at the expense of -20 mentality each time and some durability on the book. You will need to increase your mentality stat to compensate by doing the following:

  • Read a "Magazine" = +10 Mentality.
  • Smoke a "Cigarette" = +30 Mentality.
  • Drink "Wine" = +20 Mentality.
  • Drink "Corn Wine" = +20 Mentality.
  • Drink "Wheat Wine" = +20 Mentality.
  • Eat Food = Amount varies with the food (some food does not increase Mentality at all).